Flood Insurance in Texas

When you purchase home insurance, you tend to develop a good sense of security. You know that even if a natural disaster targets your home, you will still be protected by your policy.

Home insurance will indeed protect against different natural calamities, but it doesn’t account for everything. Notably, flooding is not covered by homeowners’’ insurance. That gap in coverage can be particularly problematic in Texas, considering that the state is known for experiencing extreme weather.

Acquiring flood insurance is a must if you want complete protection. We at the SWH Insurance Agency, LLC are more than happy to help all Fort Worth, TX residents looking for a good policy.

Is Flood Insurance Required?

The answer to whether or not you are required to purchase flood insurance for your home will depend on a few factors.

First off, the location of your home must be taken into consideration. If you happen to live in a part of Texas that is known to experience flooding, there’s a good chance that you will be required to purchase flood insurance.

The other factor that will determine if you need to purchase flood insurance is your mortgage. Some lenders may require you to buy flood insurance before they sign off on the loan.

The Protection Flood Insurance Offers

Flood insurance can be beneficial to renters, homeowners, and entrepreneurs. This type of insurance can save you from falling into a financial hole if your home or place of business ends up being badly damaged by rampaging waters.

Depending on the kind of policy you purchase, you can also secure the contents of your home or business establishment. The impact of the flooding won’t affect you for too long with the help of your insurance plan.

Risk living in a flood-prone area with no insurance, and you could end up buried in debt relatively quickly.

If you live in Fort Worth, TX, you don’t need to risk experiencing financial ruin due to flooding. Allow us at the SWH Insurance Agency, LLC to present you with a flood insurance plan that is both comprehensive and affordable.